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MNI Policy offers unique access to the world's top financial policy makers & central banks – and the vital policy interface with global FX and FI markets.

Policy Coverage

Central Bank Policy coverage

Interviews and sourced based stories & insights across G7 & China Central Banks (also including some major EM’s).

Policy Analysis Providing additional colour to ongoing topics within the Central Banks & Markets consensus.

Previews & Reviews of Central Bank meetings.

Live coverage of Central Bank meeting.

Data Coverage

Access to data lock-ups with concise analysis ready at release time.

Economic data analysis via our ‘Data Impact’ emails of major data releases.

Comprehensive economic data/events calendars

Data previews

Why you need this?

MNI Exclusive “Sources” stories covering the Federal Reserve, the ECB, the PBOC, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England, the Swiss National Bank, the Norges Bank, the Riksbank, the Bank of Canada and the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Exclusive Insight stories - based on extensive reporting by MNI journalists.

Exclusive on-the-record interviews with top central bankers and key policy makers.

Central bank policy analysis – before and after key meetings.

China/US trade dispute.

China economic rebalancing

Italy political/economic dynamics


Interviews with sovereign Debt Management Office chiefs

Sourced stories on issuance plans

Chicago Report Package

Products and services

Product sheets

Download the product sheets for more information on the products and services we offer. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help.